The name Sypris was derived from the Latin word for Venus. Venus is one of the nine planets in our solar system and with the exception of the Sun and Moon, is the brightest object in the sky. The planet is often called the morning star when it appears in the east at sunrise and the evening star when it appears in the west at sunset. Venus is also the name of the ancient Italian goddess who, in Roman mythology, was identified with Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love and beauty.
The which we refer to as the star, was designed to embody a number of thoughts as well. We believed that it was symbolic of the planet Venus, both in the round nature of its design and the reflection of the star in its center. We believed that the star was reflective of our desire to provide brilliant, or bright, solutions for our customers. And we liked the way the star tied everything together in a cohesive whole.
In the end, we believed we had found a combination that was consistently positive. Everyone, at one time or another, has wished upon a star or has reached for the stars in the pursuit of some worthwhile objective. The words bright, brilliant and beautiful are also positive in their connotations. Our purpose is to provide solutions to our customers are unique and stand out from our competition. The Sypris brand and logo embody the essence of this approach and our culture.